Last Night

18/09/2015 10:48
Well.. yesterday was supposed to be a day like any other day... and it kinda was. If it wasnt by the end of it. I like meeting new people. I like talking to new people who are prejudice free.Which is kinda hard cuz I believe all of us have some kind of prejudice regarding something.. But anyways..
I have a zillion things on my mind. I dont know how to deal with all of them. And fuck Disney. Who made me grow up believing there's such thing as a prince charming. When the truth is THERE ISNT. We are all screwed up by this messed up society. There's no such love as they show in the movies or cartoons. The truth is we need to work really hard to be what is expected from us.. without disconsidering what the other is feeling. I dont even know if that makes any sense.
While drinking with Gui, he opened my mind saying that I cant expect something from someone if Im not clear saying exactly what I expect. I mean.. its not fair! And the most brilliant question.. What do you believe its easier to do.. to find a person who is exactly what you expect, your Disney prince, or to talk and try to make the one Im already with in the person I need.. and thats so true.
I'm so afraid of changes... I dont deal very well with them.. I dont know if anyone does actually, but Im kinda worse than anyone I know. And thats why I think Im having such a hard time now. Besides of the fact that I have the self-destructive habit of putting everyone else's need before mine. And when I stop to think about it.. I dont know when I start thinking about my needs.. about what and how I want something.
